December Special - 20% off All Christmas and OLO Guadalupe items
* PRAYERS to the Trinity, to Our Lady,
to the Saints.
PRAYERS of Consecration, Repentance,
Inner Healing.
PRAYERS to and by the "Prophet of the
Civilization of Love."
A tried-and-true Catholic prayer form is formal prayer. This
Ameans reading aloud, memorizing or meditating upon the
written prayer words of other Christians who have gone before
us. Formal pray is especially helpful when worshipping as a group,
or when struggling to express our deepest feelings of reverence.
Prayers from the Heart contains formal prayers dear to mem-
bers of St. Maximilian Kolbe's movement of Marian Consecra-
tion, the Militia of the Immaculata. But it is meant to be a spiri-
tual help for all Christians.
The categories are thorough: Traditional prayers, Eucharistic
prayers, prayers calling upon the intercession of the saints and
the Blessed Mother, prayers of support in our struggle against sin
and the ills of our modern age, such as eating disorders and the
woundedness caused by abortion.
The last chapter of Prayers from the Heart explains the funda-
mentals of Marian consecration, and offers resources according
to the spiritual tradition of St. Maximilian. Pope John Paul Il has
called this great saint who died in the death camp of Auschwitz
"patron of our difficult age" and "prophet of the civilization of
love." Never hesitate to call upon St. Maximilian in times of need.
72 pages. Paperback.